Tuesday 19 May 2015

The student warriors of 'The School' developed strength and power as well as sweetness and light. They were tough cookies.

Along with developing virtues of sweetness, patience, accommodation, tolerance etc, the future Perfect Kings and Queens developed power and strength and a very tough skin. Once perfection had been achieved the tough skin vanished. It was no longer necessary. So why did they have to be so strong, tough and resilient?

These student warriors were at war. Their battle was on at least two fronts. It was with firstly with themselves, their inner demons, those subtle, sneaky, invisible masters of disguise. And those demons were tough little buggers! As well as their own determined inner demons these future masters of the world carried within their developing perfect minds the blueprint of the future perfect world, however not everyone agreed with their plan. Sometimes, most times, there was intense and violent opposition to it. The plan seemed to fly in the face of the accepted wisdom of the day, but the wisdom of the day was based on a false premise. The Future Perfects knew this but those around them at the time, didn't. The Future Perfects had faith in the plan, faith developed from years of experimentation, practise and experience in their beliefs and they weren't going to be shaken from them by a little opposition. What was this false premise?

We are not these bodies, these costumes, these instruments through which we experience this physical world. We are beings of light and this fact is very significant and worth remembering whilst in the battle with Maya (illusion). I am immortal, you are immortal, we are all immortal and this means no one has ever died. No one.....has ever died! It's a really significant point and worthy of keeping in the forefront of the mind. We are light, we are light, we are light.

The strength, this astounding, unshakeable inner strength of The Future Perfect Kings and Queens originated from 'The One Who Resides In The World Beyond Sound', the Incredible, Unchangeable, Invisible One and they had focussed and utilised their acquired laser-like minds and intellects in order to stay connected, telepathically, with this One. From this One they received the power to fight and to keep on fighting. These incredibly brave warriors (for they were facing opposition from the whole world, initially), were incognito, their battles were incognito and their strength was hidden from plain view. However, when the battle began they were ready, they had the power to face their enemy and they were always victorious....eventually!

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