Sunday 31 May 2015

The qualifications of a pure and perfect charitable soul

The Perfect Kings and Queens, when they were studying, learnt to become pure and charitable souls. They had to learn how to accumulate the treasures of knowledge in their account with every thought and at every second and inspire others to do the same. The treasures of knowledge are imperishable treasures and enable an individual who has accumulated them to donate them to others. This charity of bestowing the treasures of truth in order for others to uplift themselves, is the greatest charity and is what makes the students of The School, so different from everybody else.

The students at The School of Perfect Kings and Queens were both students and teachers and as teachers they had a great responsibility. Teachers aren't just speakers. Teachers must pay full attention to constantly creating a very pure atmosphere and pure vibrations, not just for their local surroundings but also for the whole world. This requires constant attention on thoughts, as thoughts are more powerful than words. Such was the study at this very special school. Actually, experience is far more important than words. People learn more easily and they never forget what they learnt through an experience. So the students at 'The School' had to learn how to remain powerful and be able to create such a powerful atmosphere and vibration constantly and at their will.

The atmosphere and vibration created by the students at 'The School' was as a result of their attention and efforts to imbibe divine virtues. The fragrance and atmosphere created by the imbibing of divine virtues and powers has the power to enthuse and uplift others even against their will. This is the greatest act of charity and it is what the students of The School of Perfect Kings and Queens were taught and for which they made effort to inculcate. And this is why they became masters of the world and guided and led the way in the creation and sustenance of a world of unlimited peaceful and harmonious world for two and a half thousand years. 

It really is a very special school and there is none other like it on this planet.

Saturday 30 May 2015

True love is for the soul not the body.

Bodies are perishable and love for a body is perishable. Love for the soul, the true self, is imperishable. The soul is who we are, what we are. I, the soul, am filled with virtue and it is these virtues that are loved by others. When I am always virtuous I will be always loved.

If I want to be loved by only one I need a few virtues but also some defects. It is this combination that produces relationships in this old world. When I have defects I will be drawn to ridding myself of these (there is a subtle pull towards perfection) and this produces needs within me. When I have needs I look for someone or something to fulfil those needs. When I find that someone or something I will cling on to, attach myself to it and this attachment is what is often called love.

If I want to be loved by all I need to be all virtuous. Not just virtues but divine virtues. Divine virtues are unlimited and imperishable. When I am all virtuous I am filled with love for the self and want nothing from other people or other things. I am free and can love freely. True love isn't physical it is spiritual. Spiritual love is unshakeable and immoveable and for everyone not just a few, no matter how they present in front of me. God's love is like this but not everyone things so. When I am all virtuous I will be loved by all without even wanting to be.

Imperishable means, immortal, eternal, forever, always. Unlimited love, altruistic love, spiritual love. It is possible to develop this love but not when I think I am a body, when I am 'body conscious'. I have to realise I am a soul and remain in this awareness. This is called 'soul consciousness' and it is the foundation of spiritual love. It can be learnt or rather, it can be awakened from within you where it is lying dormant awaiting your call.

By keeping their ancestry in their awareness, 'The Perfects' were easily able to have mercy for everyone.

The reason the students of 'The School' were able to reach perfection was largely due to the fact that they kept the awareness of who and how they once were, firmly in their intellect and at the forefront of their minds. As are your thoughts, so is your world. They developed the faith that they were once perfect and upon that realisation were able to strive to become perfect again. The stronger their faith the easier the effort. But how to develop such a strong faith?

The Perfects became aware of their lineage, their ancient past which was, once again, to become the future (think 'cyclic time'). Once they became aware of this fact (that they were their ancestors) they made effort 24/7 (yes, even whilst sleeping) to imbibe the significance of the fact. That took attention but it had to be attention without tension because if tension was there it would indicate that they had missed the point. Of course we know they were successful because the memorials exist. Where there is faith there is victory.

Perfection means full of all virtues all of the time, no matter what. This is only possible to achieve when one is permanently in the awareness of the truth of the self. When I have mercy on myself and let go of my past then mercy for all is easy. It's like having love for all is only possible when I first have love for myself. It all starts with the self.

The students at 'The School' were being taught by the best, the 'one without an image'. This was another aspect of their belief and faith which guaranteed victory. There is so much benefit in belief in you can establish it. Belief is based on experience. Experience comes from practising something. It's good to practise 'new somethings' from time to time in order to gain new experiences and hence new beliefs. If your old beliefs aren't working for you, abandon them. 'Working for you' means enabling you to reach the aims and goals you have set for yourself. 'The Perfects' aims and goals are to become perfect and establish a world of harmony, peace and happiness. Nothing less.

Friday 29 May 2015

Albert Einstein was on the money when he realised time is an illusion.

As I look around me, it all looks real and very familiar. Since my 'birth' the reality of this illusion has been supported by all those around me, those also stuck in the quagmire of the mirage, Maya. Yet I know it's not 'real' that it is only a dance of energies, subtle and persistent.

Where has yesterday gone and where is tomorrow at this point in time? Does the past still exist somewhere besides in my memory and is the future already in existence, waiting for its 'time' to appear? Just thinking this way seems to immediately unlock my mind and I believe true freedom comes from a mind that is no longer bound by old customs, systems and beliefs.

Scientists say they know exactly what time it is but they don't know what time is. I have a belief that time is cyclic and that it repeats identically every so often. I believe this because I trust in the source that revealed this amazing and incredible fact and I find it a great model to assist in the unleashing of my mind. Albert was obviously a great inquirer into time as can be seen by his quote. I find that just contemplating time expands the mind and gives a glimpse of our minds potential.

So here I am sat in The Auchenflower Cafe, sipping the dregs of my stone cold soy flat white and reminding myself that everything I see, feel, hear and taste is illusionary and there is another real beside this one. That the future is just hiding, waiting for it's chance to appear on stage, then to 'disappear' into the past. Cyclic time says that this scene will be back again, with me in it, sipping coffee and writing this blog. Therefore everything is preordained and there is nothing for me to be concerned or worried about that.

I like this belief. It frees my mind and allows me the space to contemplate the invisible and the unseen, another kind of real. That's the benefit in this belief. It gives me the ability to be calm, cool and collected and think about what is really important. Is it all just an illusion?

Albert Einstein: "Matter is Energy (LIGHT) whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter."

The students of The School of Perfect Kings and Queens would have agreed with Einstein on his views about God but not about the feebleness of souls who believe in an afterlife. Believing in the reincarnation of the soul is only the beginning of a journey. Acting on that belief is quite a different thing and it is not for the faint hearted or feeble to attempt to do this. To act on the belief that I am a soul, pure consciousness means one has to face the weaknesses within and destroy them.

This is because realising 'I am a soul' brings with it the caveat that the original nature of the soul is perfection. Once realising this, it is seen that the responsibility of the soul to achieve that perfection once again. By some souls anyway. This is an extreme act of courage which very few attempt and only a small handful of those handful, achieve.

To believe in the eternal, reincarnating soul it helps to know a bit about what a soul is. The Perfects were taught that they are souls, incorporeal beings of light and that they were one pure, perfect and powerful. Just like God in that regard but God remains unchanging whereas human souls loose their power once they interact with this world of 'matter'. Albert also is quoted thus: "Matter is Energy (LIGHT) whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter."

So everything is energy, both soul and matter. The difference between the two, according to the Teacher at The School, is matter is not conscious whereas souls are. Sort of.

The students of The School believed strongly in a power who was, at the time of their study, greater than themselves. This belief in an unchanging, powerful incorporeal subtle being enabled their transformation. It was this higher being that set up The School of Perfect Kings and Queens and explained the knowledge that was taught there. There is great benefit in belief.

Sunday 24 May 2015

In order to fly the flag of victory practise realising your victory is guaranteed.

Today I observed my spiritual army. I saw all were different based on their understanding. There were the great warriors, the cavalry and the infantry. What was the difference between them and how could I tell? The great warriors always had the faith that they would be victorious, always! The flags of this division flapped strongly in the wind.

The calvary, intoxicated and happy to be part of such a spiritual army, didn't always have the faith that they would be victorious. Their divisional flag flapped strongly at times but hung loosely at other times.

The infantry tried hard to hoist their flag, they tried hard but they were lacking in their faith that they would be victorious in battle and their flag wouldn't fly. I tried to instil faith in them by telling them the correct method but they didn't even notice because they were too busy trying to get their flag to fly. I knew that the battle would be won when all the flags were flying. What was the reason their flag of victory doesn't fly constantly? Because the troops never rehearse before the battle. There is lots of talk of victory but talk and action are two different things. What should be rehearsed before a battle and when should that rehearsal take place. This is what I told the troops.

"You must experience the attainment of all relationships with me, your spiritual commander, and remain in that experience for all times. You must remember me and my truth and my knowledge of the battles that are taking place within you and without you. When you realise the necessity of doing this and do this you will attain easy victory."

"You need to play with the knowledge of the self and the reality of the battle you perceive. You must remain in the realisation of the truth of the self and then all will become easy and your victory will be guaranteed."

This rehearsal has to be practised over a long period of time.

Friday 22 May 2015

Human beings are incapable of bringing peace in the world because they don't know who they are.

Permanent peace can never exist in the world of the Imperfect Kings and Queens. Permanent peace, just like permanent love, is based on knowing the permanent self and the permanent self isn't the physical, perishable body.

Everyone has the choice of thinking they are their body, that they are a physical being or alternatively that they are a spirit, a soul, within the body but separate from it. You can choose which ever consciousness you wish but which of the two is the most advantageous? Because that's the one you want to pick. The problem with thinking you are a perishable physical being instead of an immortal soul is the aspect of death.

Death haunts most people like an eternal shadow hanging over life. There is so much sorrow around death that it is all but impossible to be permanently peaceful as a result. If their is not peace within there can never be peace without. When I become still within, when I slow my thinking and only then, can I ever begin to understand the truth of who I truly am. Because when I still my mind my inner silence speaks to me and what is says is difficult to refute. Of course the language of silence isn't words but an experience of reality. Knowing arises from experience and that knowing cannot be extinguished by argument or debate. Or science. I don't need to wait for proof of the power of silence from science or from any other quarter, I just need to begin my journey into 'it'.

The Perfect Kings and Queens spent a lot of time introverted before they were crowned self-sovereigns.

The Golden Age is created by bringing the inner world, out.

The new students at The School of Perfect Kings and Queens had been tricked by the mirage that the outer world was the real world and that the inner world was illusionary. That's why they were at The School. Then they reacquainted themselves with the sojourn within.

The noise, the noise
Oh the accursed noise
Separating me as it does from the beauty of my silent thoughts
Wrenching me from the soft feather down environment of my inner world
In less than two centuries the infernal, internal combustion engine
And all it's offspring
Have created a cacophony of sound
Smothering the sweet and gentle conversations
The reflective observations
Of an undisturbed and well-oiled mind.

The world of The Perfects was mostly silent and always peaceful. The patter of birds, the exchanges of social sounds from our four legged compatriots, (freed from the terror of being killed and eaten) seeped and soaked and were absorbed into the warm and fragrant atmosphere that was ever present in that age. Whilst surveying a view, exploring a valley or crested hill the silence would nurture a reciprocation of appreciation not thought but felt.

An outer world of peace appears from a world of inner peace. The Age of Gold is an historical reality that hatches from golden minds. Golden minds incubate and hatch beautiful, silent thoughts, unpolluted by turmoil, fear and pain. Thoughts brought forth from such an environment cannot fail to create a perfect world.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

The student warriors of 'The School' developed strength and power as well as sweetness and light. They were tough cookies.

Along with developing virtues of sweetness, patience, accommodation, tolerance etc, the future Perfect Kings and Queens developed power and strength and a very tough skin. Once perfection had been achieved the tough skin vanished. It was no longer necessary. So why did they have to be so strong, tough and resilient?

These student warriors were at war. Their battle was on at least two fronts. It was with firstly with themselves, their inner demons, those subtle, sneaky, invisible masters of disguise. And those demons were tough little buggers! As well as their own determined inner demons these future masters of the world carried within their developing perfect minds the blueprint of the future perfect world, however not everyone agreed with their plan. Sometimes, most times, there was intense and violent opposition to it. The plan seemed to fly in the face of the accepted wisdom of the day, but the wisdom of the day was based on a false premise. The Future Perfects knew this but those around them at the time, didn't. The Future Perfects had faith in the plan, faith developed from years of experimentation, practise and experience in their beliefs and they weren't going to be shaken from them by a little opposition. What was this false premise?

We are not these bodies, these costumes, these instruments through which we experience this physical world. We are beings of light and this fact is very significant and worth remembering whilst in the battle with Maya (illusion). I am immortal, you are immortal, we are all immortal and this means no one has ever died. No one.....has ever died! It's a really significant point and worthy of keeping in the forefront of the mind. We are light, we are light, we are light.

The strength, this astounding, unshakeable inner strength of The Future Perfect Kings and Queens originated from 'The One Who Resides In The World Beyond Sound', the Incredible, Unchangeable, Invisible One and they had focussed and utilised their acquired laser-like minds and intellects in order to stay connected, telepathically, with this One. From this One they received the power to fight and to keep on fighting. These incredibly brave warriors (for they were facing opposition from the whole world, initially), were incognito, their battles were incognito and their strength was hidden from plain view. However, when the battle began they were ready, they had the power to face their enemy and they were always victorious....eventually!

Monday 18 May 2015

It is the task of the powerful ones to create The Land of Truth

Along the journey to becoming an angel and then a Perfect King or Queen there were many challenges for 'the ones'. Transforming the world using 'the sword of knowledge' wasn't as easy as going to aunties house for the students of 'The School'. Having knowledge is one thing, using it successfully at a time of need is something else. This is what the study is all about. Knowledge comes first and that's the easy part, walking the knowledge is something totally different. Knowledge, the truth, can awaken one from the sleep of ignorance but staying awake is something else. It's so easily to succumb to the illusion and fall asleep again. So easy, believe me. To stay awake requires an enormous amount of spiritual power and effort and at this moment in time we have become weak.

"Oh Maya (illusion) I thought I had you beat
I was so confident,
I had drawn my sword and pierced your heart.
I had removed your head and gouged out your eyes
I had stamped upon your corpse
Set fire to your hair
Eaten your heart raw,
In the delight at my victory
I feasted, celebrated, congratulated myself
Listened to the congratulations of others
And amidst all that, sleep descended upon me
And as I dreamed you become whole again
Unscarred, unharmed, untouched
And you infiltrated my dreams
And I thought I was awake
But I still slept and the dreams became....
The worst nightmares."

The world and all upon it had to wait for liberation and salvation due in part to the carelessness of the students of The School. All had to suffer longer (but according to The Drama, nevertheless) because I, us, we, failed you, initially. We have the responsibility to bring forth The Land of Truth. We are the ones who know the secrets of time, the secrets of self and we have a duty to you.

So, apologies to all, in advance but there's benefit in everything and realisation brings determination and concentration. The truth shall set us free, all of us. The age of The Perfect Kings and Queens will soon be upon us once again. Some will see that incredible time whilst others rest in the dimension of deep peace and eternal silence. However, all will benefit from the efforts of the students of The School. Faith brings victory. Victory is assured and is already written in the The Amazing, The Incredible, Identically Repeating Drama of 84 Births.

Saturday 16 May 2015

The Perfect Princes and Princesses were 'at one' with all the animals in The Land of Gold

Movement attracted me as I sat in the woods. He emerged and came towards me as I sat there. Walking on four legs he had excited eyes and I bade him welcome, hello and namaste. I put out my hand as it he came close and smoothed his coat and rubbed his nose when he reached me. He nuzzled my head and standing, placed his front legs on my shoulders. He smelt of peaches and I called it 'Fruit Baby'. Fruit Baby looked at me, joyful and pleased, and sat alongside me in silence and we gazed at each other. 
"Fruit Baby, Fruit Baby", I began to sing, and he began to dance and roll around and sing along with me. His sounds and my sounds blended, my sound high, his sound low. 

"Fruit Baby, Fruit Baby, your coat is fine like silk
You smell of ripe peaches and we are together on this day". 
Fruit Baby, I was out walking and I saw you and you saw me.
You looked surprised.
I have never seen another like you
You smell of ripe, fine peaches
You have a deep voice.
Your dance makes me smile 
Is you family close by or is this a day of solitude?
I love your home, this place in the woods.
Now I know where you live I will come again
Can I bring my friends?"

In the beginning time when human consciousness was pure and clean there was a natural connection with all the animals that walked or flew on the Earth. Humans ate a pure fruit/vegetarian diet so there was no need to harm the animals. All co-existed together in peace, in those days, so walking in the forest, even at night was safe and exciting. Exciting because there was such a variety of animals to see and they never dreamed of hurting you or each other. Safe because human beings and therefore all the animals lived without fear. Such a lovely time 

Secrets of the past and the future revealed on the A380

By chance and against all the laws of time, the following account was discovered which documents  an event in the student life of a future Perfect King or Queen. According to The 5000 Year Drama such an account should have been 'transformed' before The Age of Gold began but this obviously didn't happen and this is a great fortune for us. It means that we have a first hand account of one (anonymous) student of The School of Perfect Kings and Queens in the lead up to their graduation. I think you'll agree that the account reveals the dedication that The School's students (well this particular student anyway) had towards their aim and objective of becoming perfect and transforming the world from old to new. So without further ado I'll present the document that has come into my possession. 

" I am onboard an Iron Aged flying craft heading towards Melbourne, Australia from Brisbane. The captain had just announced that the weather in Melbourne is cold, wet and windy, a far cry from the beautiful warm autumn weather of my current hometown, Brisbane. It is a two hour flight and I'm sat amongst two hundred other embodied souls, and I'm beginning my regular practise of soul consciousness. It would be easy for me, just like most of the other passengers onboard the flight, to turn to some form of entertainment and pass away the time. However, such is not the way of those destined to become masters of the world!

I'm reminding myself of the truth regarding my identity. I am light, a tiny point of light and this body I experience this world through, is my vehicle, it is not me. I am eternal, immortal conscious energy and my original qualities are peace, love and bliss. I am not from this world. My home is the world of sweet silence, another dimension which consists of light, just light etc. 

Reminding myself of these facts has an immediate calming and stabilising effect on me. I know it would as I have been engaged in thinking this way for nearly thirty years now. It's become a habit but I can still forget or become distracted. Looking around the cabin of the A380, all is well. 

Still hard to imagine we were 36000 feet above the ground. The aircraft is perfectly still with just the continuous loud roar of the engines reminding me of where I am. Still, this internal combustion powered craft is a far cry from the electro-magnetic, thought controlled flying Vimans of Satyuga. 
I long for that time of Earthly peace and harmony with its environmentally friendly technology and reduced population. Not long now. 

I am a soul, I am light, I am eternal, I am forever! 'The truth shall set you free'. I'm remembering how I had searched for freedom throughout this current life of mine. I've lived through the hippy age, the age of free love, freedom of expression. We had such hopes back then but look what happened. A momentary blip in the ongoing decline of human consciousness. A time of hope that fizzled out after a few years before humanity absorbed itself in matter again. However, that isn't  anything for me to be concerned about. All is accurate in The Drama. Nothing new! Everything is how it should be. I'm so glad I know what's going on, so that I don't have to worry anymore, that I am truly free. I do believe I'd go insane if I believed that this materialistic world of the present was all that there is to life. I searched and I found!

The captain cut back on the power of the engines and I could feel the plane descending. Flying through the air on 2 metal wings. Incredible! I'm possibly the only person on this aircraft who is having these thoughts of the self. I consider my self most fortunate but I'm aware that everyone's  playing their own part in this play and everyone will be happy with who they are, eventually.  Entropy, ensuring our decline but also our ascent when the time comes for the rebirth of humankind, the planet and everything on it. 

I thought of The One and that right at this moment 'he', as always, was in a state of bliss. Eternally blissful. Hard to comprehend yet I believed it to be true. I had developed my beliefs, based on my experiences, over a number of years and they sat well with me now and had become natural. No one would ever.......what the!!!!"

The document finished at this point. I wonder what happened to cause such an abrupt end to this soul's thoughts? Since becoming aware of the studies of the students from The School of Perfect Kings and Queens I had developed a deep admiration for what went on at that place. Their belief in what was about to happen to the world and everything on it must have been so strong, that they began the process of detaching themselves from it and concentrating their efforts on creating the new. I thought I'd share the document with you, that you might take some benefit from it on your own journey back to the future. 

Monday 11 May 2015

The present becomes the past, the future becomes the present and the past becomes the future.

Uncluttering the mind and setting it free is the aim of The School of Perfect Kings and Queens. Minds left to soar and explore in an environment unhampered by fear and anxiety will create a beautiful and harmonious world. Such a world is the result of 'The Perfects' unfettered minds. But who exactly are these characters who seem to enjoy themselves no matter what they do? Where are they now, at this very moment?

They are amongst you as you walk and talk and go about your business in this world of extremes. They are using every minute, every circumstance as an opportunity to unlock their minds, to knock down unnecessary structures and boundaries, to kick down fences, to brake chains. They do it in silence, however, so they don't stand out in a crowd. They are setting themselves free and will set themselves apart in the process. They love to share their method of change but not everyone is listening.

They are here amongst you, sat in cafe's, standing quietly at bus stops, merging into the background, but they are very vigilant, not of others but themselves. They are the unseen, travellers in time and space, the unknown warriors,  and they have an aim and objective fixed firmly in their soon-to-be-free minds.

When their minds have become pure like 'driven snow' they will be ready and big things will happen for everybody. When their intellects are strong and their minds cleaned they will be revealed as the masters that they are. They will demonstrate, by their actions, how to live freely, unaffected by circumstances, how to 'be themselves', how to live a life of 'love'.

They are here now and they are working to create a better world for everyone. They are using the powers of silence and remembering to transform this old world to new. Of course they'll succeed. Myths and legends are the memory of that time so long ago or just around the corner. Nothing is new in this world. The present becomes the past, the future becomes the present and the past becomes the future. The students of 'The School' are the knowers of the three aspects of time.

Sunday 10 May 2015

"To become truly free you have to become free of the fear of death."

Death clutches us from the day we are born. But is it all in the mind? This is a world of unexpected death. Few 'die' peacefully and happily, with excitement in their eyes,  a smile on their face and joy in their heart. Why? Because death is shrouded in mystery and therefore, dying is often ungracious and filled with pain. But what dies when the heart stops beating and can we learn to view death from a different perspective so as it is not the trauma it so often is?

Why not adopt a belief that views death differently, not as a finale of everything we have known but as the beginning of something new. A new adventure, a new life, new experiences.

How can I adopt a belief and be so convinced by it that it affects me in the present, long before my expected 'death' and which transforms my life immediately? Is it possible to just 'adopt' a belief?

To become Perfect King or Queen, filled with all virtues, I have to die alive. Dying alive means to die from the consciousness of 'I' and 'mine' and become a trustee. As soon as I do this, within a second, I am free from death itself. I have become immortal. How does this happen?

I and mine, also known as 'the ego', are subtle traps which chain me to matter and result in suffering because matter is perishable. When I am without false ego I am naturally virtuous. Being a trustee of everything, including my body, allows me to fly. The reality is, nothing is mine anyway. It's a reality right? Ashes to ashes, dust to dust etc. "You can't take it with you when you go." So why try? Why not live your life in the consciousness of a trustee or a guest in this world, arriving with nothing, going with nothing and see the effect that has on your life. Why not adopt this belief for a day or two and see what difference it makes to your life? Why not?

Thoughts lead you into silence then silence says it all.

The Perfect Kings and Queens knew about the secrets and the power of silence. The secrets of silence and the power of silence are the best kept secrets in the world but they are available to everyone for free. No amount of money can purchase the power and secrets of silence. The secrets of silence reveal themselves to you when you have the desire to find them. The secrets of silence are already in your possession. They are the garland hanging around your neck. The power of silence comes from your mind. When it's focussed.

To access the power of silence you have to first start thinking about it. You have to guide your mind to begin contemplating silence. You have to ask questions and listen for answers. You have to realise that anything outside of you is just noise, obscuring your inner silence. You have to learn how to detach from this outer noise. You have to learn to concentrate. There is no other way. You also have to have a deep desire for peace. Silence power comes from peace and peace comes from silence.

The School of Perfect Kings and Queens teaches its students how to go into silence and stay there. For long periods. The power of silence turns you into a perfect king or queen, a self-sovereign, a ruler of your senses. This is true royalty.

When you are silent you can't be fooled by anything or anyone. The power of silence will change the world, eventually. When all human beings become internally silent it will have an enormous effect on the physical world, on matter itself, and surprising things will happen. Thoughts are energy, matter is energy. Thought energy can be directed through conscious effort. When directed, total, concentrated silence prevails from every human mind, at the same time, world change will occur.

Silence power doesn't have a dark side like science power. Some of the darkness of science power is pollution, armaments, greed, inequality. Science power enables us to temporarily overcome the problems we created for ourselves by not having silence power. But there is always a dark side. Silence power only brings permanent peace, happiness and prosperity.

Saturday 9 May 2015

The Age of Sweet Princes and Princessess has long gone

Yes, those were the days! Charming, beautifully mannered, naturally respectful and fabulously polite. Wonderful human behaviour that always meant one had lots of friends. That's the proof niceness, people will like you, want to be in your company, knocking on your front door. 

The Perfect Kings and Queens were never lonely. There was a party most weekends and everyone was invited. The food was exquisite and fresh. Nothing came out of a packet or a tin. The drink was fruit juice, picked straight from the tree and squeezed in the hand. The Perfects didn't need alcohol or drugs to have a good time. Their loveliness was all that was needed to fuel the party or occasion. They were a truly great bunch of divine individuals who were permanently happy, content and very friendly. 

They, The Perfects, were always in the now, present, tuned in to what was happening around them. Most of their communication was through the power of their calm minds and intuition. Living in those days, with those people, was so easy, stress-free and enjoyable. Their minds were still and peaceful and they thought deep and slow yet simply. The whole kingdom was like that. 

The 'Perfects' experienced silence over a long period of time in order to become sovereigns.

Inner silence is good. More inner silence is better. Being permanently silent, inside, all of the time is best of all. But is this possible? Yes, when the desire is there.

Anyone who has experienced inner silence even for a second, would know the truth of the sentiment expressed on the picture above. Yes, just a second is enough to have one longing for more. I, the author of this blog, have had many seconds and minutes of silence over the years and I am testimony to the truth of the statement. Do I long for more? More than anything I can imagine. The experience is way beyond any other experience one can have. Better than sex, better than drugs, better than....rock and roll! Way beyond. It defies vocabulary.

Experiencing the self, as I truly am, is the greatest treasure and money cannot buy it. And who is this elusive 'I' who the experience of, changes one life forever? Experiencing the self includes experiencing the self as an eternally peaceful being. Nothing convinces more than an experience.

We have created a world of noise and activity. One of the biggest complaints I hear from people is "I can't stop thinking"! We, the human beings, created the world the way it is. Not the animals. Not the insects. Us. We created it and therefore we can change it. The solution is amazingly simple and easy. Once the desire is there it will happen. But the desire isn't there...yet. It will be, someday soon.

After having the desire for inner silence, one has to learn how to do it, and to keep practice doing it, again and again over a long period of time. The Ocean of Silence is the teacher of silence. The Ocean's language is silence and only when I become silent can I hear the conversation that is going on all the time. It's worth. Trust me.

Walking in luminous forest in The Age of Gold

When the sun slept the forest awoke and became luminous. Walking slowly amongst the trees, each one alight and glowing and different, I was bewitched. Family's of butterfly and moth. Family's of golden beetle, silver beetle, diamond back beetle. Each step of mine was a musical note, sometimes a drum and sometimes a harp.

'Fruit Owl' and 'Berries' dining at the tips of the trees saw me and sang a note of welcome. I returned a their friendship. 'Berries' flew down, around me and returned to 'Fruit Owl' and to eating.

Tonight I would revisit Pearly Pond with it's fish and frog families, 'The Shining Lights' and 'The Ever Glowing'. My friends were nearby enjoying their own experiences. I was taking them there, walking to The Pond, their bare feet on lichen and moss made music that blended with the forest sounds. The Shining Lights, in their hundreds, swam back and forth, up and down, round and around. I delighted in watching them, drawn into their world. I bent down to look closer and they came towards me in a clump and collectively their light increased. I put a hand in the water and they swam amongst it, tickling, stroking, sucking on my skin. It was their way of greeting me. It was their way of greeting everyone and everything.

The 'Ever Glowing' did things quite differently. They hopped, they crawled, they sat still. But mostly they hopped. Tonight was different. They were all the colours possible and each one glowed and some even sparkled. I lay on the ground and they formed my outline and began to sing to the night. Such a sound it was, and each note and change in pitch was emphasised by changing colours which silently flashed and sparked.

The Luminous Forest, one small corner of in The World of the Perfect Kings and Queens, created by free and open minds, by elevated thought, by effort of another time, another age, had it's beginnings a century before this night. Tonight, unknown to me, I was reaping the fruit, experiencing the reward, of minds open to the treasures of silence, stillness and quiet.

Friday 8 May 2015

The Perfect Kings and Queens, after ruling for centuries, lost their kingdom and gained a donkeydom.

There's no need for pity for the Perfect Kings and Queens (some of which can be seen here in the picture) after they reached their final birth. Everything goes from new to old. Everything, including the intellect. It starts off pure, divine and filled with a natural wisdom which ensures every thought produced by the mind is worthwhile and brings benefit to all. At that time they were sovereigns. Self-sovereigns. Rulers of their mind and sense organs.

Then entropy sets in and slowly over the time they spent here in this corporeal dimension their minds and intellects become impure and degraded and their desires, fears and insecurities begin to rule over them. Ouch!

If only they had realised that this is the natural order of things and nothing to be afraid or concerned about, but they forgot! It's only disconcerting when the intellect, no longer guided by truth, leaves us 'blind'. Even this blindness is an aspect of the eternally, predestined play of souls in the corporeal world and nothing to worry long as you know. Everything is as it should be. There's nothing wrong. Nothing. When one has truth one can relax and enjoy the show.

When the 'Perfects' became ruled by their minds and senses they developed AOTS (Acquired Over-Thinking Syndrome). They forgot that it's okay not to think for awhile and just be silent and take stock of themselves, their situation and the world around them. To just 'be'. All they had to do was be kind to themselves and give themselves permission to be still and quiet internally. However, they had developed the habit of thinking fast and furious and no one had told them to 'just stop'.

There's benefit in everything and developing AOTS had a plus side. That is, it made these ex-sovereigns, realise that they didn't want to be that way and they were pushed, cajoled, pressured, into making change. Enough already!

So it was back to school again for the 'Ex-Perfects' and the learned institution they chose for their education was this one. The School of Perfect Kings and Queens. They were taught how to strengthen their intellects, which thoughts were worth thinking and how to be nice to love themselves. The rest is history.

Thursday 7 May 2015

In The Age of Gold the whole world is in the hands of just one.

The Perfect Kings and Queens of the Age of Gold spent a lot of time, before they graduated and became self-sovereigns, in trying to understand what a perfect world would look like. As they were learning, they were also talking and teaching others and trying to encourage and enthuse others to also think about a perfect world and how it would be.

No matter who they spoke to, there was always agreement on one thing. That one thing was that the people in such a world would be very nice. They wouldn't have any bad ways or habits. Their personality would be extremely pleasant, they would smile a lot, they were always happy, peaceful and content. To maintain that 'state of being' requires a lot of power. Personal power. Soul power. Otherwise when 'challenges' come along it is easy to fluctuate and loose one's 'stage' and becoming like a candle-in-the-wind.

Of course 'The Perfects' weren't always perfect. Before ruling the world they were just like everybody else, fluctuating, becoming unhappy at the drop of a hat. They were weak, couldn't manage their minds and were influenced by circumstances. Then they attended 'The School' and all that changed over time. They eventually discovered becoming powerful isn't such a huge or complicated thing. In fact it is very simple. The power was already within them but they wasted it in unnecessary thinking and doing. It's not that they needed to acquire power from some other source, rather to stop wasting the internal power they already had. Simple really, but how to do that?

They ('The Perfects') learned to become internally silent. They learned, over many, many years, how to become quiet, still, motionless, stationary, quiescent, internally. Then they experienced their inner power which had been there all the time. Once they realised they were naturally powerful beings anyway they could begin their own transformation.

Once they had achieved inner silence at will and the power of that silence accumulated within them, The Perfect Kings and Queens began creating their worlds in the way that they desired. They became Masters of Nature, Master Creators and Rulers of the Globe, literally and metaphorically.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

The Perfect Kings and Queens, although dressing a little strangely, were extremely powerful human beings. Why was that?

The Land of Truth is populated by unique diverse individuals delighting in their autonomy, who exist in complete harmony with one another. One way in which you can see their uniqueness is by the way they dress. The style of their dress indicates the creativity of their minds and all are in awe and wonder at the beautiful dress of others. Life in The Land of Truth is very creative. There is lots of art and craft, dance and music. It's a land of continuous happiness and joy and every thing functions perfectly. I can hardly wait to go there again. But first I have work to do.

The most important, in fact the only task left before the Land of Truth reappears as if by magic, is to transform my (and everyone else's) intellect from stone to divine. What does that mean? The intellect is, or should be, the manager of my mind. After all, it is my mind and they are my thoughts, so I should be able to have the thoughts I want, when I want, for as long as I want. Right? But I don't know many people who can achieve this. The Perfect Kings and Queens have this ability and as I am studying at the School of Perfect Kings and Queens I will, therefore, have the same ability when I graduate. Right?

Our intellect (which is a faculty of 'The I') is supposed to be far-sighted, broad and clear, in other words, wise. Having wisdom enables one to easily navigate through life, making decisions that only bring benefit to the self and others (if it's not good for all it's not good) removing my inclination to react emotionally instead of respond sensibly with accurate thoughts and feelings. If we 'face our intellects', i.e. focus on a world of beauty, harmony, peace, all the good stuff, then it will be created. We are living in a 'holographic universe' after all.

Knowledge is the key that unlocks my intellect, turns it from stone to divine, and enable it to function powerfully and correctly. Knowledge of what? True knowledge of the self and The Drama. The 'Perfects' had this knowledge, I have this knowledge and therefore The Land of Truth is an inevitable outcome, once again.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

The 'Perfects' had such powerful intellects they would naturally bring benefit to everyone.

The world created by The Perfect Kings and Queens was peaceful and harmonious because the residents of that past/future world had developed powerful intellects. This enabled them to discriminate and decide the value of their thoughts and feelings and only allow those that were of value to everything and everyone, prevail. They did this naturally and it didn't require any stress or effort. It was such a beautiful world because of this.

The 'world of heaven' or the 'world of hell' refers to the state of mind of the beings who inhabited those places at that time. Another way of putting it is the time of 'those with strong intellects' or 'those with weak intellects'. The type of world we live in is a reflection of the state of our intellects at the time.

When referring to 'the intellect' we are talking about a faculty of the self that is able to observe the workings of our minds and distinguish between the types of thoughts and feelings our minds create. After distinguishing the intellect should decide which thoughts to bring into action. I say 'should' but often this doesn't happen. What tends to happen is thoughts are created and put into action without this distinguishing and deciding taking place. Then their are regrets, blaming etc for the outcomes of our actions. The simple way to prevent this is to develop a strong intellect. This is the fundamental teaching at The School of Perfect Kings and Queens.

The Golden Age, The Age of Truth, Heaven, Paradise come into existence as a result of a change in the consciousness of human beings. Change of consciousness can only take place when one has a powerful intellect. We have to become masters of our minds and our physical senses. The 'Perfects' achieved this over a long period of time and if they did it, so can we.

Friday 1 May 2015

Awakening In Heaven

Here was the familiar change in awareness taking place as always. This sliding transition from being asleep to being awake. This gentle, seamless movement from my inner world to my outer world or rather a merging of the two.

I lay still as sights and sounds of my surroundings seeped into my awareness. Bodily sensations, all of them pleasant, registered one by one and were absorbed in the general consciousness of being awake. As always there was no need to hurry this awakening experience in The Land of Truth. This was a world of harmony moving along at the speed of nature, slowly, gently and with care. I could hear sounds but not identify them and didn't rush to try to do so. I listened, eyes closed, as if for the first time, enjoying the sounds for what they were, music in my ears. Something scuttled close by, stopped and scuttled on. There were creaks, deep and mellow, a tune in themselves, and the rustle of leaves.

Life in this time was without rush or urgency. Sounds were pleasant and filled with interest and surprise and none disturbed the gentle rhythms of the Earth. I was attuned to this time and always had been. It had been the melody of my lives, always playing but often overlooked or undiscovered. I had often heard the music of this place but in spite of endless searching, could never find its source.

I sat up and absorbed my surroundings into myself and an exchange took place. There was an appreciation but also an inner knowing that all was as it should be. Now I had return, thanks to the eternal nature of cyclic time. I had mastered my senses and my mind. My intellect was strong, decisive and focused and I could create my world. It was all so simple in the end, this journey from sorrow to constant happiness. It dawned on me incredibly slowly over a long period of time, never revealing itself or even hinting at the final outcome a single second before the realisation occurred.

Now I could flow with Mother Nature herself, effortlessly and uninterrupted. I existed in harmony with all things, the universe itself and every living being within it. I had dreamt and struggled to find words for my inner longing and then it became clear in the silence between the words. Oh my fortune, oh the wonder, oh the sheer delight.