Saturday 30 May 2015

By keeping their ancestry in their awareness, 'The Perfects' were easily able to have mercy for everyone.

The reason the students of 'The School' were able to reach perfection was largely due to the fact that they kept the awareness of who and how they once were, firmly in their intellect and at the forefront of their minds. As are your thoughts, so is your world. They developed the faith that they were once perfect and upon that realisation were able to strive to become perfect again. The stronger their faith the easier the effort. But how to develop such a strong faith?

The Perfects became aware of their lineage, their ancient past which was, once again, to become the future (think 'cyclic time'). Once they became aware of this fact (that they were their ancestors) they made effort 24/7 (yes, even whilst sleeping) to imbibe the significance of the fact. That took attention but it had to be attention without tension because if tension was there it would indicate that they had missed the point. Of course we know they were successful because the memorials exist. Where there is faith there is victory.

Perfection means full of all virtues all of the time, no matter what. This is only possible to achieve when one is permanently in the awareness of the truth of the self. When I have mercy on myself and let go of my past then mercy for all is easy. It's like having love for all is only possible when I first have love for myself. It all starts with the self.

The students at 'The School' were being taught by the best, the 'one without an image'. This was another aspect of their belief and faith which guaranteed victory. There is so much benefit in belief in you can establish it. Belief is based on experience. Experience comes from practising something. It's good to practise 'new somethings' from time to time in order to gain new experiences and hence new beliefs. If your old beliefs aren't working for you, abandon them. 'Working for you' means enabling you to reach the aims and goals you have set for yourself. 'The Perfects' aims and goals are to become perfect and establish a world of harmony, peace and happiness. Nothing less.

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