Thursday 30 April 2015

It is because the Perfect Kings and Queens weren't sexually intimate that their praise is sung.

The Perfect Kings and Queens from The Age of Gold were connected to everyone in the kingdom, by the heart. So close was everyone in 'the kingdom' that they rarely spoke to each other and when they did their sentences were short and sweet and filled with meaning.

Their communication was mostly through silence and yet no one was ever misunderstood. All, at that time, were so 'in tune' with each other that there was no need for diaries or calendars, telephones or any other device. They instinctively knew what another was feeling and this included the 'animals' too. So, naturally, there was peace, harmony and happiness for all.

The Perfect Kings and Queens and everyone else on The Earth at that time never were never sexually intimate with each other but they did procreate. They weren't sexually intimate because they weren't attracted to each ones body. They were masters of their lives. Their bodies weren't their masters. Just like children before puberty they had no awareness of sex and because of that they are thought of as innocent and pure. The 'Perfects' children were born in the normal way but without any pain or trauma. The children were always healthy, there wasn't any infant mortality or disease.

This Utopia which was The Golden Age, has been remembered in stories from around the world. Why? Because it once existed. There wasn't even the name of the five vices there. It sustained for centuries but eventually the 'Perfects' lost their power and the kingdom was split asunder. It was lust, desire that took their power away and whilst lust exists the kingdom cannot be regained. Now, in The Land of Darkness, the blind are the rulers and all are in bondage to their bodies and the bodies of others.

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Emotional Intimacy Without Entanglement Was The Order Of The Day In 'Heaven'.

The Perfect Kings and Queens were extraordinarily close but not entangled in one another. They were emotionally connected through the heart but they were spiritually strong and so never became attached to each other. Entanglement or attachment is a sign of a lack of spiritual strength, a lack of self-respect or self love.

What is often called love is actually a dependency on someone who fulfils the unfulfilled need in myself. It's a trap and only ends in tears in one way or another. I become dependent on the other but if they change or leave my own boat starts to rock. This is a precarious way to live ones life.

The Perfects were self-aware, not just spiritually but also emotionally. Because of this, the world they lived in was perfect and remembered in mythical stories as heaven. It was only heaven because of the spiritual and mental strength of the Perfects not the other way around.

It is necessary to be emotionally fulfilled otherwise I become physically and/or mentally ill. Pure, positive feelings add colour and warmth to our lives. Becoming emotional (all emotion) means I am out of balance and in pain. Our emotions should be like a gently simmering pot not one that is boiling over.

The Perfects were emotionally balanced and their lives full of happiness and joy. They were stable, experiencing life to the full in a time of never ending joy. Their balanced emotions were a result of their powerful and balanced minds. We can become like that today and create 'heaven' for ourselves and share it with others. That would be nice, wouldn't it?

The Perfects were also spiritually intimate with each other and the entire world, including the animal and plant kingdoms and this is where the greatest joy and freedom lies. Focussed silence is necessary to achieve this and it results in bliss. Being spiritually intimate with each requires a deep understanding of the reality of the self and of time. It is the most powerful state of being and results in continuous love and harmony between those who have achieved it.

Monday 13 April 2015

The Bottom Line is Only a Point of Light Can Teach You to Become a Point of Light

No human being can teach what is taught at The School. Anyone who has been in a body for a while has forgotten who they are and so can't teach others the truth. The 'man' in the picture has just learnt the truth about himself and he is very happy. The face reflects the mind. He has just learnt that he is an immortal being, an eternal peaceful soul hence he is joyous. That's what residing in truth does. It brings intense and continuous happiness no matter what.

His problem is he has to remember it when the chips are down. That's the challenge after the acquisition of knowledge. If, when the chips are down, he forgets the truth about himself (and everyone else) then his happiness will fade and he will experience some form of sorrow for a time. That's fluctuation and it's not desirable. We all want stability in our lives but we don't want rigidity. Am I right?

The Perfect Kings and Queens are the living example of living with truth.They are totally creative and free thinking but totally stable at the same time. Permanently happy, peaceful and loving. They learnt how to be that at The School. The Principal, Shiva,  was a being of light, like themselves. Shiva was The Principal because he never forgot himself. That's why he was qualified to start the school and teach. That's all it took. Self-knowledge. When you have the truth you have everything. Everything becomes easy and life is balanced, stable and happy.

Friday 10 April 2015

3 Little Known Reasons Why Perfect Kings and Queens Do Not Fall In Love

“You have also known love – but whenever you knew love you knew only a love full of passion and attachment. Your love was not really love. Your love was only a curtain to hide the passion, attachment and sex. On the outside you called it love, inside it was something else. What did you long for when you were in love with a woman or a man? – your longing was sexual and love was only the outside decoration." Osho

The kingdom of Perfect Kings and Queens is based virtues and powers. This kingdom operates flawlessly because the inhabitants of the kingdom can manage their thoughts and feelings. They learnt how to do this at the School of Kings and Queens. Those that rule in that kingdom, for there are leaders there, have love for all not love for one or a few. How is this possible? Isn't love focused on one's partner initially and then family and friends? Isn't there a hierarchy of those we 'love'?

Everything goes from new to old. Look around you. It's the law. True love, spiritual love is love for the soul or spirit, the essence of each one. It is not exclusive or dependent on anything and it gives, it only gives. Being self-realised is mutually exclusive of having unfulfilled needs. I can't 'know myself' and have unfulfilled needs.

If I fall in love where am I falling from? The term suggests descending, rapidly, from a loftier position. What was that position? I would suggest that I fall from a state of self-knowing into a state of ignorance of the self and therefore imprisonment as I attach myself to someone who initially appears to fulfil my needs. Why does love necessitate me falling from there?

Perfect Kings and Queens never fall in love, they are love already. They don't have any unfulfilled needs that they need satisfying by another. They are self aware, powerful and free and that is why the age in which they rule is known Satyug, the Age of Truth.

Heaven is a reflection of the vision and attitude of 'The Perfects' and their ability to go into silence.

The nature of The Perfect Kings and Queens was very sweet. Now that’s not a term one would expect to hear in regards to monarchs and I have a sense that most people thoughts around sweetness, though different, might be quite similar. Let me explain.

Let’s take a look at the sweetness of 'The Perfects' and see what it looks like and see whether it is a desirable trait for a monarch. As as been spoken of before, (I have spoken of it before, haven't I) the sign of The Perfect Kings and Queens perfection is their abundance of virtues. Actually , not just virtues but divine virtues. Do you know the difference? The most divine virtue of all is to remain quiet.

A sweet person would always speak softly and gently and very little. Their communication is of the mind and is mostly silent. Silence is more powerful than science and it is this deep, still silence of the mind that created The Age of Gold where 'The Perfects' resided. Science destroyed the World of Iron and all the people who were there at the time, which was absolutely everyone. After they were 'destroyed' they automatically experienced the beautiful silence of being bodiless and then entered into a state of sublime bliss and self-realisation. We are actually in The Age of Iron as we speak. Have you noticed how 'noisy' it is. Is your own mind 'noisy' too. Can you see a connection?

One can actually speak and be silent at the same time. Silence is the natural state of the soul. A silent mind is thoughtful, considerate, respectful and full of love for all. The Silent Perfect Kings and Queens words would be as light as a feather but like the eagle those feathers would enable those hearing the words to soar far beyond the ordinary and the mundane. Not that anyone needed help soaring in The Age of Gold.

The Perfects practised for a long period of time, under all types of conditions, to become silent. The more adverse the conditions the more powerful they became. They knew there was benefit in every situation and so welcomed every challenge as a chance to 'go beyond' into silence. 

Practise makes perfect.

Monday 6 April 2015

Something is holding this world together in it's present form and that something is us!

There are only two teachers at The School of Perfect Kings and Queens. One is bodiless and is named Shiva and the other is life itself.  Neither of these two can make you learn and change however. Learning and changing is dependent on you and you alone. That's a blessing or a curse depending on your attitude. These two teachers are a perfect combination if you have the fortune to realise it.

Shiva, being bodiless, needs a body to be able to teach us. So Shiva borrows one. Without a body we can do very little. We can't talk, speak, walk or think. Actually we can't 'do' anything, we can only 'just be', but that's okay too, according to the time.

So bodies are very important but it's not who we are. Bodies are our spacesuits that allow to experience this world. If I forget this, however, and think I am this spacesuit things get a little awkward for me. That kind of materialistic thinking and feeling forces me to experience sorrow because my thoughts become weak and negative and the world around me is affected by that. If everyone or many are similar to me, i.e. think they are their spacesuit thus having weak and negative thoughts, then 'Houston, we have a problem'.

Matter (particles) can behave like a particle or a wave. Even though many of us know this we don't behave as if it is so. We often act as if everything in the universe is solid and permanent but it's not and science is slowly re-discovering this. I say re-discovering because this is ancient knowledge. Our minds, our thoughts and feelings effect matter and many minds have a greater effect on matter. Most of the world lives with large amounts of fear, anger and greed etc so the world around us reflects that. This world hasn't always been the way it is today but the transformation has been very slow and hence difficult to observe.

Shiva never thinks he is his borrowed spacesuit and so his mind is always clear, precise and self-aware. That's why he is the best teacher but, although available to teach everyone,  he is hard to find and so many miss out from his direct teaching. Still, those who seek shall find, so anyone with the desire for truth will find him and depending on the strength of their desire, learn from him, directly or indirectly. Then this world will transform from it's old, decaying state of the present to the brand spanking new world which is waiting in the future.

Sunday 5 April 2015

Because The Perfect King or Queen's were 'pure', when their body became old they 'became light' and instantly took a new one.

In The Land of Truth death is no longer a shadow but a time of great light. The Perfect Kings and Queens had a vision of their new life whilst still in their old body. This was a time of wonder and joy and the casting off of the old shell was a time of joy and celebration under an eclipsing moon. The palace of the new womb awaited and visions had been had and shared and the dancing began. Friends and relatives gathered and the departing ones moved amongst them and spoke of times past and the new times to come.

Call it The Age of Gold, The Land of Immortality or The Land of Happiness, it's all the same. This was a time when the omens of Jupiter were upon the Earth and everything was in harmony. It was a time when minds were pure and clean and intellects strong and decisive. It was Heaven on Earth because of this. The people of that time were self aware but it wasn't a big deal. Becoming self aware is only important when you have forgotten who you really are. The Perfect Kings and Queens knew they were pure beings of light inhabiting a physical costume. They didn't make a fuss about it though. This 'light consciousness' was normal and natural, everyone in the kingdom was the same.

'Death' is a time of joy a time to celebrate, when you know the answer to the question "who am I?" It's a 'goodbye to the old' and a 'rejoicing of the new'. A new adventure in a new family, a new body, new circumstances. If ones actions have been 'life affirming', filled with love and respect for all, the fear of the future melts away. 'As you sow so you will reap' is the maxim the Perfect Kings and Queens  kept reminding themselves of when they studied at 'The School'

Wednesday 1 April 2015

The Pre-Perfect Kings and Queens constantly asked themselves, "Have I become worthy of claiming a high status?"

Anyone can become a Perfect King or Queen but actually, only a very few do. So few, in fact, that's it's probably difficult for most people to imagine what these folks were like. I mean, when was the last time you saw a perfect king or queen or even heard of one? Generally, people have heard of imperfect kings and queens and all the naughty and sometimes even cruel things they got up to when they reigned. But we're not talking of those sorts of folk here.

If you look at the history books that most of us have come into contact with over the years, whether at school or later as adults, there are pages of stories about them and what they got up to. They weren't perfect, that's the problem. If they were they would have been kind and gentle and never ordered anyone to have their heads cut off  or to be drawn and quartered in front of the cheering masses.

Perfect kings and queens are so kind and benevolent without even realising they are that. They guide by example and would never do anything to cause sorrow to anyone, including themselves, even in their dreams. They paid full attention to themselves, their thoughts and feelings, for a long time in order to become like that, when they were students at The School. It was easy because they had the best of help but they still had to make effort.

The hippies in the picture are enjoying what they are doing because it stirs something deep within themselves. It's a yearning for constant joy which is actually imprinted in their subconscious. Of course they are not aware of this but something deep within pulls them towards this goal.

So why not join with us students of The School of Perfect Kings and Queens and make yourself worthy of the title 'self-sovereign' by changing your behaviour and becoming royal and an heir to Heaven?