Friday 1 May 2015

Awakening In Heaven

Here was the familiar change in awareness taking place as always. This sliding transition from being asleep to being awake. This gentle, seamless movement from my inner world to my outer world or rather a merging of the two.

I lay still as sights and sounds of my surroundings seeped into my awareness. Bodily sensations, all of them pleasant, registered one by one and were absorbed in the general consciousness of being awake. As always there was no need to hurry this awakening experience in The Land of Truth. This was a world of harmony moving along at the speed of nature, slowly, gently and with care. I could hear sounds but not identify them and didn't rush to try to do so. I listened, eyes closed, as if for the first time, enjoying the sounds for what they were, music in my ears. Something scuttled close by, stopped and scuttled on. There were creaks, deep and mellow, a tune in themselves, and the rustle of leaves.

Life in this time was without rush or urgency. Sounds were pleasant and filled with interest and surprise and none disturbed the gentle rhythms of the Earth. I was attuned to this time and always had been. It had been the melody of my lives, always playing but often overlooked or undiscovered. I had often heard the music of this place but in spite of endless searching, could never find its source.

I sat up and absorbed my surroundings into myself and an exchange took place. There was an appreciation but also an inner knowing that all was as it should be. Now I had return, thanks to the eternal nature of cyclic time. I had mastered my senses and my mind. My intellect was strong, decisive and focused and I could create my world. It was all so simple in the end, this journey from sorrow to constant happiness. It dawned on me incredibly slowly over a long period of time, never revealing itself or even hinting at the final outcome a single second before the realisation occurred.

Now I could flow with Mother Nature herself, effortlessly and uninterrupted. I existed in harmony with all things, the universe itself and every living being within it. I had dreamt and struggled to find words for my inner longing and then it became clear in the silence between the words. Oh my fortune, oh the wonder, oh the sheer delight.

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