Friday 22 May 2015

The Golden Age is created by bringing the inner world, out.

The new students at The School of Perfect Kings and Queens had been tricked by the mirage that the outer world was the real world and that the inner world was illusionary. That's why they were at The School. Then they reacquainted themselves with the sojourn within.

The noise, the noise
Oh the accursed noise
Separating me as it does from the beauty of my silent thoughts
Wrenching me from the soft feather down environment of my inner world
In less than two centuries the infernal, internal combustion engine
And all it's offspring
Have created a cacophony of sound
Smothering the sweet and gentle conversations
The reflective observations
Of an undisturbed and well-oiled mind.

The world of The Perfects was mostly silent and always peaceful. The patter of birds, the exchanges of social sounds from our four legged compatriots, (freed from the terror of being killed and eaten) seeped and soaked and were absorbed into the warm and fragrant atmosphere that was ever present in that age. Whilst surveying a view, exploring a valley or crested hill the silence would nurture a reciprocation of appreciation not thought but felt.

An outer world of peace appears from a world of inner peace. The Age of Gold is an historical reality that hatches from golden minds. Golden minds incubate and hatch beautiful, silent thoughts, unpolluted by turmoil, fear and pain. Thoughts brought forth from such an environment cannot fail to create a perfect world.

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