Wednesday 21 January 2015

Why spinning the cycle of self-realisation is the most powerful form of revolution.

Without a clear destination  it is more difficult to make progress. When we focus only on the problems of the self and the world without a clear image of what we want the future to look like we are likely to freeze at the immense task ahead of us.

Swadashanchakradari is a Hindi word that translates to 'spinning the cycle of self realisation' and means that one should keep the image of one's perfect self firmly planted in one's mind. Not an easy thing when everyone else around you is thinking differently and focusing on what is wrong.

But what does it mean to be self-realised? From a spiritual perspective it means to know the truth about the self. What is that truth? Is there such a thing as a perfect self?

Seems we can make a important decision here. We can decide yes or no. Yes, there is a perfect me or no, such a thing as perfection can't possibly exist. Why not choose 'yes' as a start?  It seems the better option.

virtuous, powerful, royalty, self-sovereignty, virtues, self-realisation, self-realised, swadashanchakradari,

Okay, so if we are adopting the view that there is a perfect 'me', what does that look like? Well, we all know I think. It means we are generous, happy, content, benevolent, helpful, honest, wise, compassionate, thoughtful, etc etc. Okay, recognise the items in the list? Virtues and powers again!

It's always going to be virtues and powers. These are the currency of happy, harmonious and peaceful living and I believe they are our inherent nature. A world full of virtuous people would be heaven, paradise, the garden of Allah. That's all it takes, but I have to develop the faith that that is what I am at my core. And I have to focus my attention on those aspects of me and bring them to the fore. No need to focus on the negative. Be aware that it is there but don't focus on it.

So, swadashanchakradari means to focus on the true identity of the self and doing this will bring about the greatest revolution ever. It will be world transforming. Literally.

Now, how to do that? We have to learn to manage our minds. We say 'my mind' and 'my thoughts' but if they are mine why can't I have whatever thought that I want, when I want, for as long as I want? Try it and see. Try holding a thought and see how long before your mind 'wanders' off to something else. Not long right? Okay, so we have to change that first of all and then we can focus on our positive nature when we want, for as long as we want.

Meditation, based on the truth about the self, is the key to doing this. Meditation is focused concentration and unless you learn to do this you will remain a slave to your thoughts and feelings and the revolution will not take place.

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