Wednesday 7 January 2015

Perishable Wealth vs Imperishable Wealth

I love the idea of imperishable wealth especially as I feel closer to really understanding what the term means. Money wealth has never loomed too large in my life but it has kept me fed and put a roof over my head which I appreciate. But money comes and goes. It can be a blessing as well as a curse. I know many unhappy wealthy people.

My understanding of imperishable wealth is those things that money can't by and you can keep ones whole life through if it is appreciated and taken care of. Given high priority.
I'm thinking of friends, happiness, love of course but more than this, at the root of all these things is truth. Truth is invaluable and imperishable. There's only a few truths we need to know. There are only a few anyway.

First and most important truth is who am I, really. If you know the answer to that, and I do, and if you live that truth, then happiness, peace, love, contentment, etc all follow.They are the children of truth.

Another truth is the answer to the question 'where are I from'. I know this answer to and it makes life very easy. It also helps me do nice things and be kind to the world and its inhabitants.

The truth shall set you free.

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