Monday 12 January 2015

A royal mind is a well managed mind.

It's impossible to consistently think and act royally if one cannot manage one's own mind. If circumstances effect how we think and feel then it is difficult to maintain one's royal personality. One cannot manage one's mind if one doesn't understand how it functions. So secondly I need knowledge of how my mind works, but initially I have to know 'who am I'.

A ruler cannot be influenced by circumstances. A ruler will take circumstances into consideration when making decisions which are based on royal standards. Decisions are taken carefully and with everyone's best interest in mind. Decisions wouldn't be influenced of emotions.

To train the mind and intellect, both faculties of the self, requires effort over a long period of time but the results are worth it.

I sit still and relax my body....I allow the sights and sounds of the outside world to fade into the distance.....I focus on my thoughts and begin an internal dialogue....I ask the question....who am I....really....who is it that is producing these thoughts and feelings.....where do they come can I manage them so as to produce only positive feelings and thoughts....
I entertain the thought that I am pure consciousness....and my form is an infinitesimal point of light...and my original nature is peace....and purity....and royalty.....and because I have forgotten who I am....the truth about has left me experiencing sorrow....feeling uncertain about myself....
Contemplating myself as a pure, perfect being reassures me...makes me feel good about myself....when I can manage my thoughts in this way...I can create the beautiful mind of my choosing

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