Sunday 8 February 2015

3 reasons Why Perfect Kings and Queens Are The Constantly Blooming, Fragrant Spiritual Roses of Spring

I was remembering this point from this morning's class as I sit on The Mudherri on the Brisbane River. The name is Aboriginal and means 'sticky' so I'm trying to bring the point and the name of the ferry together. Sometimes people use the term sticky to describe a dangerous situation as in 'I was in a very sticky position'.

1. Spiritual Fragrance

Perfect kings and queens would never find themselves in sticky situations. They lived in a time when 'stickiness' didn't exist. Being perfect means they were without vices and they had a spiritual fragrance. They were always in bloom but there was a time when they were buds.

2. Watered With Love

Perfect kings and queens began to bloom in The Spring which is within the in The Great Cycle of Time. Through being watered directly with love by The Gardener the budding kings and queens managed to wake themselves up and begin their metamorphosis from a place of great stickiness to another place of unbounded freedom 

3. Surrendered To The Process

Fragrant spiritual perfect kings and queens, when they were buds, made the decision to surrender themselves to something greater than themselves, at that time. They engaged in a battle with their dark side and won. They rid themselves of any stickiness, any Mudherri, they had accumulated on their journey through time and became self sovereigns once again.

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