Saturday 14 February 2015

3 Incredible Ways 'The Four Tops' Could Have Changed Their Destiny If They Knew The Incorporeal, Unchangeable Being Of Light

I stumbled into a realisation recently that, apart from all my admirable qualities, I have an unfulfilled need to be needed. I had suspected it for a long time and wasn't sure whether that was a good thing or not. I felt embarrassed even realising it and that was a bit of a clue as to the truth of the discovery. It happened when I heard a line from brilliant Four Tops hit of the 60's 'Loving You Is Sweeter Than Ever', (sung to a very white audience) which went;

Cause I really need you (really really need you)
And I need for you to need me too
(If you don't go breaking my heart)
I have built my world around you
(I have built my world around you)
Baby I'm so thankful that I've found you etc.

A brilliant song (I am an ex 'mod' after all ) but that line was pushing my buttons and so I put on my introvert monocle and focused my internal eye onto this aspect of myself. If this was an issue for me I wanted to know so as I could 'smite' it (a good old fashioned word there).  Of course I knew it would take time, wouldn't happen over night but I had a vision, direction and support so success was guaranteed. Issues are like chains that bind me and reduce my freedom, my autonomy and therefore my peace and happiness. I like being challenged, it gives me a fabulous opportunity to progress and I want to progress! Oh how I want to progress.

The Perfect Kings and Queens don't need to be needed. They did, before they became perfect, but they strengthened that weakness in the astounding 'Age of Diamonds'. The Perfect Kings and Queens became perfect through introspection over a long period of time. Sometimes perfection happened within one lifetime but often over a couple of births. When you are perfect you have no needs but you're still extremely nice and very loving.

These pre-perfect kings and queens had 3 utterly amazing methods which they utilised in order to 'clinch the deal' of perfection. The Four Tops might have been grateful for this advice.
  1. Knowing that time was short they paid attention to their inner study, without incurring tension. Believing time is cyclical and repeats identically, they knew their victory was assured
  2. They weren't alone in their efforts. They had compatriots who also sought self-sovereignty, perfection, to support them on their inner journey but more than that.....
  3. They had directions and support from the incorporeal, unchanging, very powerful, being of light who resides in the place where the sun and moon don't exist. Oh and it's very quiet there too....and peaceful.....and beyond time and space!

This incorporeal one set up The School of Perfect Kings and Queens around 1937. It's nothing new. It just changes its form and approach every now and then. The aim and objective has never changed however. Perfection is the destination.

The incorporeal one only supports and teaches at the Diamond Age. That's what's written in The Great Imperishable, Unchangeable, Drama of 84 and so that's the way it is. The Diamond age is very short, comparatively, so it's an opportunity not to be missed. That is, if you want to live in a perfect world.

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