Thursday 4 June 2015

The students at The School made easy efforts by studying by entering the Lap of Love and Affection.

For some at The School of Perfect Kings and Queens the study to become the most elevated amongst humans was like a walk in the park and they moved along lost in the love of the present as well as their future  attainments. The fruit of their study, because they had realised who was teaching them, was immediate and beyond compare. Their path into the future was made even easier because they were no longer burdened by the past. Having surrendered their mind, intellect and old habits to The Teacher they were light and carefree.

Along with this, sitting in The Lap of Love and Affection of The Teacher, The Ocean of Knowledge, meant they gained multi-millions at every step. Unlike most studies where the reward comes after the graduating and then increases over time with experience, the future rulers of the globe, the master bestowers, received immediate reward because they decided to surrender and let go negative and wasteful thoughts.

Along with eating the fruit of the present there was also the taste of the future in their mouths. By keeping their future attainments in the forefront of their minds, by continuously thinking about and reminding themselves of the result of their study, the students at The School ate a double meal.

So the reward of their study at The School was two fold. Present fruit and future fruit.

However, not every student experienced the rewards in the same way. Because of not letting go of the past and because of not paying attention to their thoughts in the present, some of the students experienced lesser attainment from their efforts. The difference between the two types of efforts of the students was only a simple thing but the outcome was enormous.

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