Tuesday 26 April 2016

The Future Perfect Kings and Queens spent a lot of their time creating the future with their minds

The Perfects new that the world is a manifestation of their sustained thoughts and feelings. With this mind they spent many hours establishing the future as they wanted it to be. The main requirement for manifesting is faith. Faith over a long period of time.

Developing faith is easier for some than others. That's a karmic thing. If you are fortunate enough to have strong faith and are able to focus your mind in a powerful way then you can achieve great things. The jumbled, mixed up world of today is a result of jumbled, mixed up minds without a clear direction.

At The School of Perfect Kings and Queens we are taught how to focus our minds and the simple way to do that is to develop distaste for the old and cultivate a love for the new. The new means what is beautiful, harmonious and of benefit to all.

One of the projects at The School was to manifest a new school in Queensland where its students could live in. With this in mind they set about determining what their perfect dwelling would be like and within no time at all (which is how it seemed) they had produced this wonderful dwelling which you all know and love.

The Perfects were masters of matter, creators of the universe and master almighty authorities so nothing was beyond them. They had so much fun creating the future in the way that they wanted it to be. It was their hobby and they devoted hours of their time in this play.

We waste so much of our mental energy worrying about the past and future, on insecurities pettiness. It's not so difficult to become powerful it's just a matter of deciding what and where to focus our minds.

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