Friday 10 April 2015

3 Little Known Reasons Why Perfect Kings and Queens Do Not Fall In Love

“You have also known love – but whenever you knew love you knew only a love full of passion and attachment. Your love was not really love. Your love was only a curtain to hide the passion, attachment and sex. On the outside you called it love, inside it was something else. What did you long for when you were in love with a woman or a man? – your longing was sexual and love was only the outside decoration." Osho

The kingdom of Perfect Kings and Queens is based virtues and powers. This kingdom operates flawlessly because the inhabitants of the kingdom can manage their thoughts and feelings. They learnt how to do this at the School of Kings and Queens. Those that rule in that kingdom, for there are leaders there, have love for all not love for one or a few. How is this possible? Isn't love focused on one's partner initially and then family and friends? Isn't there a hierarchy of those we 'love'?

Everything goes from new to old. Look around you. It's the law. True love, spiritual love is love for the soul or spirit, the essence of each one. It is not exclusive or dependent on anything and it gives, it only gives. Being self-realised is mutually exclusive of having unfulfilled needs. I can't 'know myself' and have unfulfilled needs.

If I fall in love where am I falling from? The term suggests descending, rapidly, from a loftier position. What was that position? I would suggest that I fall from a state of self-knowing into a state of ignorance of the self and therefore imprisonment as I attach myself to someone who initially appears to fulfil my needs. Why does love necessitate me falling from there?

Perfect Kings and Queens never fall in love, they are love already. They don't have any unfulfilled needs that they need satisfying by another. They are self aware, powerful and free and that is why the age in which they rule is known Satyug, the Age of Truth.

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