Friday 10 April 2015

Heaven is a reflection of the vision and attitude of 'The Perfects' and their ability to go into silence.

The nature of The Perfect Kings and Queens was very sweet. Now that’s not a term one would expect to hear in regards to monarchs and I have a sense that most people thoughts around sweetness, though different, might be quite similar. Let me explain.

Let’s take a look at the sweetness of 'The Perfects' and see what it looks like and see whether it is a desirable trait for a monarch. As as been spoken of before, (I have spoken of it before, haven't I) the sign of The Perfect Kings and Queens perfection is their abundance of virtues. Actually , not just virtues but divine virtues. Do you know the difference? The most divine virtue of all is to remain quiet.

A sweet person would always speak softly and gently and very little. Their communication is of the mind and is mostly silent. Silence is more powerful than science and it is this deep, still silence of the mind that created The Age of Gold where 'The Perfects' resided. Science destroyed the World of Iron and all the people who were there at the time, which was absolutely everyone. After they were 'destroyed' they automatically experienced the beautiful silence of being bodiless and then entered into a state of sublime bliss and self-realisation. We are actually in The Age of Iron as we speak. Have you noticed how 'noisy' it is. Is your own mind 'noisy' too. Can you see a connection?

One can actually speak and be silent at the same time. Silence is the natural state of the soul. A silent mind is thoughtful, considerate, respectful and full of love for all. The Silent Perfect Kings and Queens words would be as light as a feather but like the eagle those feathers would enable those hearing the words to soar far beyond the ordinary and the mundane. Not that anyone needed help soaring in The Age of Gold.

The Perfects practised for a long period of time, under all types of conditions, to become silent. The more adverse the conditions the more powerful they became. They knew there was benefit in every situation and so welcomed every challenge as a chance to 'go beyond' into silence. 

Practise makes perfect.

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